Halloween Hand Pumpkin Pies

Halloween Hand Pumpkin Pies

These adorably eerie pies are a fun twist on the classic pumpkin pie. The warm, spiced pumpkin filling is encased in a flaky crust, and the carved faces add a playful and spooky element to your dessert. They're perfect for Halloween parties, trick-or-treat gatherings, or simply as a deliciously themed treat to enjoy during the season. 


For the Pie Filling:

  • 1 cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

For the Pie Crust:

  • 1 package of store-bought refrigerated pie crusts
  • 1 egg (for egg wash)

For the Pumpkin Faces:

  • Additional pie crust dough for carving pumpkin faces


  • Prepare the Filling:
    • In a mixing bowl, combine the pumpkin puree, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and salt. Mix until well combined.
  • Prepare the Pie Crust:
    • Roll out the refrigerated pie crust on a floured surface. Use a round cookie cutter to cut out small circles for the pie crust. You will need two circles for each hand pie.
  • Assemble the Pies:
    • Place a spoonful of the pumpkin pie filling on one of the pie crust circles. Leave a small border around the edge for sealing.
    • Place the second pie crust circle on top and press the edges together to seal the pie. Use a fork to create a decorative edge if desired.
  • Carve the Pumpkin Faces:
    • Roll out the additional pie crust dough and cut out small pumpkin faces. Be creative with the expressions!
  • Brush with Egg Wash:
    • Beat an egg and brush it over the tops of the pies. This will give them a golden finish.
  • Air Fry the Mini Hand Pies:
    • Preheat your air fryer to 350°F (180°C).
    • Place the mini hand pies in the  EaZy BrandZ Air Fry basket , ensuring they are not touching. Depending on the size of your air fryer, you may need to work in batches.
    • Air fry for about 8-10 minutes or until the pies are golden brown and the filling is cooked.
  • Serve:
    • Allow the mini hand pies to cool slightly before serving. The carved pumpkin faces will look even more whimsical once they've cooled.

These mini Halloween pumpkin hand pies with carved pumpkin faces are perfect for a Halloween treat, and they're a great size for snacking. Enjoy!

Here's a recipe for our delicious pumpkin ravioli, enjoy!
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